Imprinting Color


Imprinting Color

Through a looking-glass

The prisms ignite

Playing games

With the colors of my heart

The wonderous reality

Light reflecting off of water

At its desired angle

You see colors unimaginable

In the first coming moment

Eyes fall on beauty like this

Memory sensory imprint

In your mind stays there forever

Much like your hand

Pressed down in the sand

Is left there as you

Chose to walk away

Leaving behind

A gift to the world

A trace of a piece

Of a gift given to you

So colors you take

Playing with them like toys

Touching the textures

You sense are there

Whether up in the sky, or

Down on the ground

Each one of our minds

Deciphers symbolic meaning

Meaning becomes truth

What we carry along

Becomes a belief

As we tell tales of our songs

Musical notes

Turn into color

Visions we see

Remembering forever and always

Fabricating our own

Imprints on our souls

Playing over and over

Intricate path of life

To tell you what I see

Expressing my beliefs

Turning into truths

You choose to decide

Take mine if you wish

Or just experience my moment

To take and create

Colors of your own

~ J. Lefever ~


This is a piece, for the imagination, imagery of the mind, validate it or not, it is only what you see…


©Think. Speak. Tryst. Publication